A Touch of Rain

The Recovery Body

I think I am in "recovery". After suffering from bulimia with anorexic behaviours I now find myself 18 months purge-free. During those 18 months I found myself becoming less and less scared of the fear foods and I started to deal with triggering situations better every time. I found myself re-educating a love for myself… Continue reading The Recovery Body

A Touch of Rain

A Running Buzz

I did something completely off the bat last week. Something I'm so surprised that I did but something that I'm so incredibly pleased with myself about. I went for a run which ended up being my first ever 10k run. What's more, I enjoyed it. I came back home with such a buzz. Had I… Continue reading A Running Buzz

A Touch of Rain, Sunny Days, Uncategorized

The Number Game ain’t a Fun Game

Pesky little things numbers, aren't they? We place so much value on what a few digits can tell us and yet they truly tell us nothing at all. I will be the first to admit I become obsessed with the number on the scales all too quickly at times and the number can either comfort… Continue reading The Number Game ain’t a Fun Game

Thunder and Lightning


Hands tense, gripping what they can. Trying to stand tall but everything is crumbling. Heavier weights to try numb the even heavier pain. But it's falling away. It's being ripped away. It hurts. Oh it god damn hurts. The pounding starts. The voices come running. Whispers turn into screams. Walls back up but still spiralling downwards.… Continue reading Raw

Sunny Days, Uncategorized

A Beautiful Paradox

  She was broken but never hopeless. Alone but never lonely. Her eyes reflected pain but projected courage. She was a beautiful paradox I really like that quote and feel like I can massively relate to it. It always feels weird to have people say things to me like, 'I love how confident you are, you… Continue reading A Beautiful Paradox