A Touch of Rain


  My laughter would fill me with colour, and my smile would make me shine. I would smile through the darkness, and I'd laugh through the pain but one day, I looked up and saw grey. I was slipping into the darkness, and all my colours were being drained away, and yet...just yet, nobody noticed me fade. I… Continue reading Outlines

A Touch of Rain

Infamous Same-Names

What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet definition. (William Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet) An association with something, anything, can lead us down very different paths depending on whether the association is positive or negative. Unfortunately I have, due to more-than-unfortunate-circumstances, developed a negative association… Continue reading Infamous Same-Names

Sunny Days, Uncategorized

Blue Sky Reflections

You can learn a lot when you're left to your own devices - in my case 4 whole days and 5 nights. It's oh so cliched but I found myself a bit more than I thought was possible in Tenerife. I left the country to escape but what did I learn in the process? Day… Continue reading Blue Sky Reflections

A Touch of Rain, Uncategorized

Flying Solo

Guess where I'm writing this post from? Guess where I am? I'm not in London, I'm not even in the UK...I don't actually know where I am because that's right, you guessed it, I'm on a plane baby! Now, before some of you hypochondriacs panic, I'm just drafting with the intention of publishing when I… Continue reading Flying Solo