A Touch of Rain

Travel Freedom

Two weeks of qualification leave over. Two out of those exciting yet scary six weeks done and dusted. Exciting because it’s a holiday to celebrate my qualification as a solicitor and scary because of the challenge it is for my ED. Even before I fully developed bulimia I displayed disordered behaviours which I managed to… Continue reading Travel Freedom

A Touch of Rain

Flexible Planning

T-minus 24 hours until my qualification leave begins! (Well 24 hours if I leave work at 5pm tomorrow but my supervisor knows it’s my last day so fingers crossed he’ll let me run away as soon as it is professionally acceptable to do so). It still hasn’t fully hit me that I’m going to be… Continue reading Flexible Planning

Sunny Days

Avoiding Self-Sabotage

It's a full on summer. That's for sure. I'm now seven months into what I feel is "recovery". In that seven months I've been sick twice. Once at the start (i.e. when the seven months began) and once when I was incredibly drunk and fell into an old habit. I've still experienced panic attacks, I've… Continue reading Avoiding Self-Sabotage