A Touch of Rain

A Running Buzz

I did something completely off the bat last week. Something I'm so surprised that I did but something that I'm so incredibly pleased with myself about. I went for a run which ended up being my first ever 10k run. What's more, I enjoyed it. I came back home with such a buzz. Had I… Continue reading A Running Buzz

A Touch of Rain

The “Ten-Year-Challenge”

I assumed that the very first post I saw was someone posting a ten-year progress picture because they wanted to. I didn't realise it was a viral "challenge" sweeping over all social media platforms. I've never liked these "challenges" that encourage people to essentially post a nice picture of themselves. I don't mean to judge but… Continue reading The “Ten-Year-Challenge”

A Touch of Rain

Little Wins

I deliberately stayed away from writing during December even though I had plenty to write about. There was so much I wanted to say, so many emotions I wanted to get out onto paper but I always find I retreat in December. I shy away from so much because there's so much going on. December is already… Continue reading Little Wins