A Touch of Rain

Shit Happens

I know I did nothing wrong. I know that sometimes you simply aren't going to be the right person for someone but god, do I feel like a fool. Last night I wished I could say with conviction that it was his loss and yet I couldn't. His words have been such a contradiction to… Continue reading Shit Happens

Sunny Days

Here’s To Us

Here's to the friends who have never left your side. To those who will always answer the phone. The friends who are always there when you need them the most. Here's to the friends who are separated yet remain inseparable. To those who meet up and nothing has changed. The friends who rearrange their days for the… Continue reading Here’s To Us

A Touch of Rain, Thunder and Lightning

Wise Words

Words are powerful. They can crush a heart or heal it. They can shame a soul or liberate it. They can shatter dreams or energise them. They can obstruct connection or invite it. They can create defences or melt them. We have to use words wisely.  My motivation to write can come from a variety of sources… Continue reading Wise Words

A Touch of Rain

Parenting the Parents

  16 hours. 960 minutes. 57600 seconds is all it took for him to fuck up. Yet again. As always. Once more the man messed up. His actions have hurt me more than ever before. I hate how much he's hurt my entire family. I resent the pressure I have had to cope with to hold… Continue reading Parenting the Parents

A Touch of Rain

I Was Spiked Last Night

Well, there's an attention-grabbing title. Nothing  else can sum up the thoughts spinning in my head right now about my world that was literally spinning last night. I went to a house party with my housemate, Tom and it was perfectly normal but true to party style it got hectic. I'd had a tough day… Continue reading I Was Spiked Last Night

Sunny Days, Uncategorized

Christmas at Southwark Bridge Road

I love Christmas and I don't think I could possibly even begin to explain just how much I love it. I genuinely feel it is simply such a happy time of year albeit equally as stressful. I happily nominated myself to cook Christmas dinner for our house. I always find it ironic that the girl… Continue reading Christmas at Southwark Bridge Road

A Touch of Rain

Tis The Season

  It feels like I have this lump stuck in my throat. I've just gotten back from lunch with a friend and admittedly that's all I've eaten today. I'm trying hard to keep the panic at bay but I'm really struggling. The fact my meal was healthy doesn't matter, my brain doesn't see it that… Continue reading Tis The Season