A Touch of Rain

Making Peace With The Mirror

It's oh so cliched but I need to start measuring myself in strength and not pounds. But why does something so simple feel so incredibly hard? People see my smile on a daily basis. They hear my laugh at least once an hour and that's what I'm best known for. The girl who's always smiling.… Continue reading Making Peace With The Mirror

A Touch of Rain


  I have never seen pretty much everyone at work look so disheartened all week so thank God it's finally the weekend. Finally time for me to get out of London for a couple of days and just get away from it all. Away from everything. I can't even put my finger on exactly what… Continue reading Whole-Hearted

A Touch of Rain

Ruptured Weekends Can Always Be Fixed

Well this wasn't exactly how I expected my weekend to start...actually last week was nothing if not full of unexpected events. I remember waking up in the middle of the night with this niggling pain in my lower abdomen. I tried to get comfortable but the pain refused to subside. I looked at my phone… Continue reading Ruptured Weekends Can Always Be Fixed

Sunny Days

The World Looks Brighter From Behind a Smile

You're never fully dressed without a smile 3 years into my recovery. 6 years since the Demon appeared. There's days I have that negative niggle in the back of my mind, the one that whispers things like I'm not good enough, I need to lose weight, everything will be better once I'm lighter. But those days are becoming… Continue reading The World Looks Brighter From Behind a Smile

A Touch of Rain

Easier Said Than Done

Okay, so the other day in an attempt to get out of the most horrific torrential rain I darted into the first coffee shop I could find. I had an hour to kill and I most certainly wasn't going to keep window shopping with my current non-existent-bank-balance. I grabbed my coffee and sat down just… Continue reading Easier Said Than Done

Sunny Days

Dance For Me Baby

You know what I love doing? Putting on some music and just dancing round my room...it's a lot more fun when I'm just in my underwear too! Nothing beats literally letting your hair down and just dancing to your hearts content. Nothing I love more than a good night out where I can bust out my… Continue reading Dance For Me Baby

Sunny Days


I do not have the slightest clue what I'm doing, that's the adventure. I stopped worrying about it, that's the beauty.  There's something different about me lately. Something more me. I can't quite pin it down, well I think I can. I feel so happy. So unbelievably happy at the moment and there isn't a single reason… Continue reading Flawesome