A Touch of Rain, Sunny Days, Uncategorized

The Number Game ain’t a Fun Game

Pesky little things numbers, aren't they? We place so much value on what a few digits can tell us and yet they truly tell us nothing at all. I will be the first to admit I become obsessed with the number on the scales all too quickly at times and the number can either comfort… Continue reading The Number Game ain’t a Fun Game

A Touch of Rain

V-Day-D-Day (Part 2)

That's right...V-Day-D-Day got worse yesterday AFTER I published my new post so here I am making an additional one. In all honesty, this guy deserves a separate post anyway, so well done him! Firstly, let me provide you with some humour as to why some of my previous Valentine's are 'special' in a not-so-special-way: 2013… Continue reading V-Day-D-Day (Part 2)

A Touch of Rain


I think I lost a best friend today. Someone who became an unexpected best friend and yet potentially one of the best and all I've learnt is that our friendship was a lie. Happy Valentine's Day Len! Another bad one for the storybook. Genuinely cannot say I've had a good Valentine's Day ever. We would… Continue reading V-Day-D-Day

Sunny Days

A Beautiful Ticker

The thing with broken clocks is that you can tell exactly when they stopped ticking. With people it isn't so easy. Sometimes you can't even tell they're broken. I wouldn't necessarily say it's broken but it's definitely been hurt. It's been picked up and carelessly shattered into pieces a few times but it's still there. It's still ticking, beating… Continue reading A Beautiful Ticker

Thunder and Lightning


Hands tense, gripping what they can. Trying to stand tall but everything is crumbling. Heavier weights to try numb the even heavier pain. But it's falling away. It's being ripped away. It hurts. Oh it god damn hurts. The pounding starts. The voices come running. Whispers turn into screams. Walls back up but still spiralling downwards.… Continue reading Raw