A Touch of Rain

If I Could Talk To My Younger Self

Dear 5-year-old me, Look at you, you dancing, laughing, happy as Larry little girl with the world's biggest smile on your face and an even bigger heart. Look at how happy you are and stay that way for as long as you possibly can. Keep smiling and laughing and dancing to your heart's content. Your… Continue reading If I Could Talk To My Younger Self

A Touch of Rain

Manchester Madness

What's the best way to prepare for next weeks' mocks? Go to Manchester for half the week! To be honest, a little bit of chill time never hurt anyone and seriously, this was the best decision I have made as of late. A lot of my friends are still in Manchester, some cycling friends, swimming… Continue reading Manchester Madness

Thunder and Lightning

Mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you

This has been one hell of a horrific week, physically and mentally. I didn't even realise today was friday, I've been that lost all week. I was going out last night and could see how tired I still looked under that make up (and an instagram filter!). I can see there's a lack of my… Continue reading Mistakes are meant to guide you, not define you

A Touch of Rain

‘Time Heals’, That’s a lie.

Right now I am a mixture of very happy and very sad and I’m trying so very hard to figure it all out. I’m trying to figure out all these feelings and emotions and words and thoughts and I can’t work out what they all mean. Everything I feel lately seems to be a contradiction… Continue reading ‘Time Heals’, That’s a lie.

A Touch of Rain

The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all

I saw someone I didn't want to see. More than half a year ago I came to London with my then boyfriend to attend an evening at a firm he was interested in and when we were walking down the street we walked past the same person and back then I froze. Yesterday I froze… Continue reading The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all