A Touch of Rain

24 June

Sometimes it feels like another day another health problem. I've had health issues since I was born but the list just gets longer and more complex every single year. Cerebral palsy, nerve damage, volkmanns, epilepsy, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, chrons disease, and recurring kidney stones. Let's not forget the barrage of injuries and operations I've… Continue reading 24 June

A Touch of Rain

12 June

And all of a sudden it's as though I can breathe again. Pressure lifted. Wrongful commitments gone. Myself first. Once and for all. Finally. Relief flows through the strength of saying no. Self-love for my own worth driving me forward. Not looking back. Because I'm happier with it staying behind. Moving on, weight free. Content… Continue reading 12 June

A Touch of Rain

26 February

Why do I always question myself? Questioning why I question myself...seems a decent summary of the post that's about to follow. A little while ago I was at the GP surgery. There was some big delay and mishap with their systems so I was sat in her office whilst she went to print out some… Continue reading 26 February

A Touch of Rain

15 January

2 weeks into the New Year and I'm pretty sure I don't like resolutions that much. Well the crap ones anyway... For years I've hated that the most popular New Years resolution is usually along the lines of having something to do with losing weight. As a child and young adult I always felt the… Continue reading 15 January

A Touch of Rain

Out with the old – farewell Umbrella Adventures

It's been a long on-and-off-and-on-again-then-off-again 18 months. I used to write on my blog, Umbrella Adventures, so regularly in the turmoil of my bulimia and it helped me so much over the years. Getting all my emotions out, no matter how metaphorical and poetic my posts were, helped me understand, process and recover from my… Continue reading Out with the old – farewell Umbrella Adventures


Peanut Butter Cookies

Peanut butter time = the best time. Can you even believe that I used to hate peanut butter? Little Len missed out on so many tasty treats *sad face*. This recipe is one of my favourite cookie recipes EVER! It's from the Hummingbird Bakery's Cookbook and it really is fantastic. I pretty much adore all… Continue reading Peanut Butter Cookies

A Touch of Rain

The Recovery Body

I think I am in "recovery". After suffering from bulimia with anorexic behaviours I now find myself 18 months purge-free. During those 18 months I found myself becoming less and less scared of the fear foods and I started to deal with triggering situations better every time. I found myself re-educating a love for myself… Continue reading The Recovery Body

A Touch of Rain

Out of sync

I decided to stay in Cape Verde for the week instead of going home early. I wrote a nice big list of pros and cons (don't we love those) for staying or going home and, ultimately, I realised I wouldn't necessarily be much happier at home and I'd still be doing very little so if… Continue reading Out of sync

Thunder and Lightning

Restless Rest

I had a week off work last week for no reason other than I had holiday to use and figured that back in March, a random week off in June would work well. I struggled that week more than I ever thought I would. Between all the hospital appointments I had scheduled and the inevitable… Continue reading Restless Rest

Sunny Days, Uncategorized

A Beautiful Paradox

  She was broken but never hopeless. Alone but never lonely. Her eyes reflected pain but projected courage. She was a beautiful paradox I really like that quote and feel like I can massively relate to it. It always feels weird to have people say things to me like, 'I love how confident you are, you… Continue reading A Beautiful Paradox