A Touch of Rain

27 September

Two weeks ago I had the privilege of speaking to a team of female swimmers in the US about my experience with bulimia as an elite athlete. Five weeks ago I wouldn't have even thought that was a possibility. When the captain reached out to me on Instagram, I didn't see the message for a… Continue reading 27 September

A Touch of Rain

20 September

I'm having a weekend full of weird and unexpected highs and lows. I had planned to write a different post this weekend (about an opportunity I had to speak about my ED to a swimming team) but that's had to be postponed to allow me to process some triggers I've come across the past 48… Continue reading 20 September

A Touch of Rain

The benefits of comfort eating

Society taught me that comfort eating was bad. That I should be ashamed of any times I comfort ate in my life. Ironically, that "shaming" led to me comfort eating even more. Indeed, societal norms can cause us to find ourselves in a deadly cycle - I was shamed for being chubby - I comfort… Continue reading The benefits of comfort eating

A Touch of Rain

Out with the old – farewell Umbrella Adventures

It's been a long on-and-off-and-on-again-then-off-again 18 months. I used to write on my blog, Umbrella Adventures, so regularly in the turmoil of my bulimia and it helped me so much over the years. Getting all my emotions out, no matter how metaphorical and poetic my posts were, helped me understand, process and recover from my… Continue reading Out with the old – farewell Umbrella Adventures


Peanut Butter Cookies

Peanut butter time = the best time. Can you even believe that I used to hate peanut butter? Little Len missed out on so many tasty treats *sad face*. This recipe is one of my favourite cookie recipes EVER! It's from the Hummingbird Bakery's Cookbook and it really is fantastic. I pretty much adore all… Continue reading Peanut Butter Cookies