A Touch of Rain


The rain was so heavy last night. It just endlessly poured and poured. It drenched me through, past skin and bones but I wasn't ready to go home. The voice at the other end of the phone cracked a feeble excuse of 'hello'. I could hear her tears begin to fall before I could say my… Continue reading Raindrops

Sunny Days, Uncategorized


I have a weekly face time catch up with a best friend of mine. A best friend I’ve actually only known two years, a best friend who’s been a best friend possibly less than a year but, regardless, the best of the best. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve known someone, all that matters is that… Continue reading Hello

Thunder and Lightning

Nightmare Realities

The illness crept up on me full force when I was reminded over an awful night that happened almost a year ago...wow, it's almost a year ago now...one year...12 months...52 weeks...365 days ago. Can I even call it an anniversary? Surely that day doesn't deserve to have an anniversary? Nevertheless, the date is fast approaching and I can… Continue reading Nightmare Realities